Cloud Security

The “Cloud” means various things to different people. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are all Cloud service models, which are then combined with various deployment alternatives (Private, Public, and Hybrid). Rolling out Cloud is often a high reward activity, but also a high risk undertaking that business leaders must balance against the agility and flexibility that traditional models do not provide. As such, market pressures, regulatory compliance, board guidance, and other internal and external mandates can turn a seemingly simple, haphazard decision into a minefield.

Opsec Media Networks provides professional cloud computing strategy consultation and servicec enabling you to improve your overall cloud strategy and security. Our services include:

Cloud Risk Assessment

Opsec Media Networks can qualify, quantify and mitigate risks that implementing Cloud computing will bring. We can evaluate existing Cloud implementations and conduct a risk assessment for an upcoming project. We can compare the risk profile of an existing or future Cloud architecture versus the risk profile of a non-Cloud architecture, including the level of difficulty to breach each environment (Cloud or traditional).

Tactical Cloud Consulting

Design a Cloud architecture that mitigates risks for current and future Cloud deployments. The Opsec media networks Cloud Security Framework (OCSF) will allow you to securely move applications & processes to the Cloud, including security controls and a risk mitigation methodology, and ensure that security controls for the internal organization as well as the vendors involved are established, sustained, and measured.

Compliance Assessment

Opsec Media Networks can help with HIPAA, PCI and 201 CMR 17 where issues such as key rotation, shared administrative accounts, and data retention can be easily overlooked or altered, placing the organization out of compliance. Our certified auditors will explain in detail how regulatory compliance applies to the Cloud, identify gaps, create a remediation plan, and ensure that plans get implemented properly and on time.

Service Provider Security

Our Consultants have worked for Cloud Service Providers and have managed private clouds and shared architectures where customers hosted solutions and gained access to highly scalable services. We have helped architect virtual data centers, IaaS, SaaS, and even Security-as-a-Service solutions. We have also helped validate the security models of several SaaS providers, including both cloud and Physical Security.

Let us place our extensive expertise at your service in order to create solutions that help satisfy your customers’ compliance and cloud needs.

Business and IT executives cannot afford to overlook the critical risks posed by an inadequate understanding of cloud security. A sound security plan is essential for maximizing the value of a cloud implementation and should be part of any comprehensive cyber security strategy. Opsec Media Networks has an extensive understanding of building and operating enterprise clouds and recognizes that every cloud implementation includes unique security challenges.

Cloud Security is only one element of an effective enterprise cloud strategy. In addition to focusing on only security elements of cloud computing, Opsec Media Networks offers extensive Cloud Computing Strategy consulting services.